Obituary Quantifiers of the Unquantifiable 

On a scale from one to ten 

Can you tell me how depressed you are? 

One being not depressed at all.

Ten being having thoughts of 





Can you fall asleep?

Stay asleep throughout the night? 

Do you fear death, or 

welcome it?

hear his seductive whispers,

Has he slipped through your mind’s

back door—unnoticed? Or did you

Hear him knock and let him in. 

Do you wonder what he looks like? 

The man in the hooded coat?  

Do you want to die? 

To be wrapped up in the 

Warmth of Death’s black cloak 

And be hidden away from the rest of the world? 


Where dark becomes light,

And swaddled in ghostly arms 

Your pain ceases to exist? 

The grandfather clock rings 

In the distance. 

Is it day or night? 

You hear the sound of a cuckoo bird 

Flying away from its nest. 

Deep organes, and golden yellows 

Engulf you—ambrosia of the soul. 

The voice of your grandmother 

Saying give me some sugar, sugar. 

Eyelids heavy, drooping into frowns.

Cozy room—couches flooding with pillows 

Quotes of hope and perseverance hang on the wall. 

You still use the Kroger on West End? 

Great, I’ll see you in three months. 


A Conversation


Ruined Remnants