Letter to X

You are crazy. You are absurd. You are weird.

You are a giant Star Wars loving, animal obsessed, internet know-it-all, and meme king with a teddy bear heart. You’re a goofball that constantly keeps me on my toes. Honestly, I don’t know why you haven’t gotten rid of me yet. You listen to all my antics, my rants and plain absurdity.

You even remember when I talk about the books that I read. Details, like the title that even my best friend can’t seem to remember. Seriously you pay attention, no one cares about my literary studies but thanks for pretending to. Though you might not express it overtly, I know you care a lot and I can count on you for anything.

Most importantly you never fail to bring a smile to my face. You make me laugh daily, or whenever I need it the most. This is a gift that you give me everyday and I wouldn’t exchange it for anything—not even the most expensive of Channel handbags.


A Conversation With My Depression


Feeding Anxiety